Welcome to HPRC-2007 Sessions at UW--Madison
Second Annual Himalayan Policy Research Conference organized by the Nepal Study Center of the University of New Mexico at Preconference Venue of the 36th Conference on South Asia, U. of Wisconsin --Madison.
October 11, 2007
8 am - concludes at 5:35PM
Assembly and Caucus Rooms
Dear colleagues (attending the 36th SA Conference at Madison [Oct 11-14]):
Thank you for showing your interest and support in promoting policy and research knowledge pool on the Himalayan region and the neighboring countries in South Asia. We would like to welcome you to attend our HPRC-2007 sessions (Thursday, October 11). The program details are provided below:
South Asia Conference Site: http://southasiaconference.wisc.edu/preconf_1.html
NSC's HPRC-2007 Conference Page: http://nepalstudycenter.unm.edu/SeminarsWorkshopsConferences/HPRC_Conferences/HPRC_2007/HPRC_2007.html
Please pass on this information to your colleagues attending the 36th Madison SA Conference.
We would also like to take this opportunity to draw your attention to our e-journals published by NSC. To learn more about the submission policy and other details, please visit the following sites:
We will be putting together a proceedings of the expanded abstracts from the HPRC-2007 conference sessions in the NSC's e-journal HJDD. Please don't hesitate to contact us to share your feedback and interest.
Thank you.
On behalf of the HPRC-2007 conference panelists
Alok K. Bohara (U. of New Mexico)
Mukti P. Upadhyay (Eastern Illinois U.)
Vijaya R. Sharma (U. of Colorado)
Gyan Pradhan (Westminster College)
Ambika P. Adhikari (Arizona State U.)
Session 1A: Discrimination, Exclusion and Political Participation, 8:30 AM – 9:45 AM (Room AR)
Chair: Daniel Putnam, University of Minnesota
Session 1B: Conservation and Resource Management, 8:30 AM – 9:45 AM (Room CR)
Chair: Joel Heinen, Florida International University
Session 2A: Political Structure and Democracy, 9:50 AM – 11:55 PM (Room AR)
Chair: Kristine Eck, Uppsala University
Session 2B: Water and Forestry Resources, 9:50 AM – 11:55 PM (Room CR)
Chair: Keshav Bhattarai, University of Central Missouri
Lunch Break: 12:00 PM – 1:45 PM
Session 3A: Conflict and Related Issues, 1:50 PM – 4:20 PM (Room AR)
Chair: Mahendra Lawoti, Western Michigan University
Session 3B: Poverty, Development and Finance, 1:50 PM – 4:20 PM (Room CR)
Chair: Jeffrey Drope, University of Miami
Coffee Break: 4:20 PM – 4:40 PM (Room AR)
Session 4: Environment and Pollution, 4:45 PM – 5:35 PM (Room AR)
Chair: Murari Suvedi, Michigan State University
Conference concludes at 5:35 P.M
October 11, 2007
8 am - concludes at 5:35PM
Assembly and Caucus Rooms
Dear colleagues (attending the 36th SA Conference at Madison [Oct 11-14]):
Thank you for showing your interest and support in promoting policy and research knowledge pool on the Himalayan region and the neighboring countries in South Asia. We would like to welcome you to attend our HPRC-2007 sessions (Thursday, October 11). The program details are provided below:
South Asia Conference Site: http://southasiaconference.wisc.edu/preconf_1.html
NSC's HPRC-2007 Conference Page: http://nepalstudycenter.unm.edu/SeminarsWorkshopsConferences/HPRC_Conferences/HPRC_2007/HPRC_2007.html
Please pass on this information to your colleagues attending the 36th Madison SA Conference.
We would also like to take this opportunity to draw your attention to our e-journals published by NSC. To learn more about the submission policy and other details, please visit the following sites:
We will be putting together a proceedings of the expanded abstracts from the HPRC-2007 conference sessions in the NSC's e-journal HJDD. Please don't hesitate to contact us to share your feedback and interest.
Thank you.
On behalf of the HPRC-2007 conference panelists
Alok K. Bohara (U. of New Mexico)
Mukti P. Upadhyay (Eastern Illinois U.)
Vijaya R. Sharma (U. of Colorado)
Gyan Pradhan (Westminster College)
Ambika P. Adhikari (Arizona State U.)
Session 1A: Discrimination, Exclusion and Political Participation, 8:30 AM – 9:45 AM (Room AR)
Chair: Daniel Putnam, University of Minnesota
Session 1B: Conservation and Resource Management, 8:30 AM – 9:45 AM (Room CR)
Chair: Joel Heinen, Florida International University
Session 2A: Political Structure and Democracy, 9:50 AM – 11:55 PM (Room AR)
Chair: Kristine Eck, Uppsala University
Session 2B: Water and Forestry Resources, 9:50 AM – 11:55 PM (Room CR)
Chair: Keshav Bhattarai, University of Central Missouri
Lunch Break: 12:00 PM – 1:45 PM
Session 3A: Conflict and Related Issues, 1:50 PM – 4:20 PM (Room AR)
Chair: Mahendra Lawoti, Western Michigan University
Session 3B: Poverty, Development and Finance, 1:50 PM – 4:20 PM (Room CR)
Chair: Jeffrey Drope, University of Miami
Coffee Break: 4:20 PM – 4:40 PM (Room AR)
Session 4: Environment and Pollution, 4:45 PM – 5:35 PM (Room AR)
Chair: Murari Suvedi, Michigan State University
Conference concludes at 5:35 P.M