Travel by taxi will tell systemic deffects in law and order in Nepal
Kathmandu, August 16, 2007; Baishakh 3, 2064, Tuesday. At about 7:30pm, I stopped a taxi at the Putalisadak - Anamnagar intersection near the place where there used to be a store selling russian books on various themes - from soviet communism to children's stories during Panchayat era and the dawn of 1990's dormant democracy. A young driver with a scarf on his head, gazed. I asked him whether he wanted to go to Shankhamul. He said he would go but did not know how to get there. I gave him direction and he realized - Oh from New Baneswor! Then I asked him if his taxi meter was functioning well and giving correct reading. I have to ride a taxi because my health does not permit me to ride a motorcycle. I ride and I therefore know it is expensive because most of the taxi meters set by the bureau of standard run out of standards and passengers are easily cheated officially. Still I ride. Usually it is better if you ask a driver in advance if the meter was ok. Then the drivers would r...